Our first Local Celebration partnership has begun!
At the end of August I visited St John the Baptist, Whitwick, to give a taster session of what the journey they were about to embark on would look like. The people of St John’s love their rapidly growing village in North West Leicestershire, and are excited to discover more about the variety of strengths and gifts that their community has to offer. St John’s believes that Whitwick should be celebrated, and are keen to work with Together Leicester to ensure that nothing gets missed as they record all the wonderful aspects of their community.
Tonight I am back in Whitwick as we begin the journey, with a planning session to mark out the route, be clear as to the questions we want to ask and what activities will help the team to move further along this exciting journey. I’m really looking forward to journeying closely with St John the Baptist Whitwick over the next few months, culminating in a celebration of the local community next year.